Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Splice up your day with films?

A bit of a film based topic today, which works for me as i am a bit of a film nerd  and i generally love talking about films, but anyway two things came to my attention today the film Splice and films for life season on film 4

I'm going to start with Splice (2009) since I just finished watching this very bizarre film. This is not really a review but just my general thoughts on what i just watched.

I first saw the trailer for this a while back and i remember not really feeling the need to watch it from this, so recently a friend made a comment about it which intrigued me to give it a chance. The main story kind of makes sense in the what they are trying to achieve with there scientific experiments etc, and as the film goes it makes you connect with the experiment they call "Dren" and generally feel sorry for her but towards the end it really is just like wow what is going on and its a  little strange. The ending wasn't amazingly surprising if you think back to the events that happened during the film ( which i wont talk about, so i don't give it away for anyone who has not watched it) Its a little predictable but for some reason the film kept my attention throughout to continue watching, its worth a watch but not something that would withstand the test of time which is what I'm going to talk about next.

Films 4 life season on film 4 

A season of films that film 4 feel that withstand the test of time and i guess that you could watch over and over again, some of these include The Italian Job, Edward Scissorhands and This is England.

This just got me really thinking about what films stood the test of time with me, what films i could watch and never get bored of them and i guess there is probably quite a few and it would be boring for me to list all of them, so here are 4 of my favourite :)

So if you have not seen any of those 4 films i recommend that you do so and also have a think about some of the top maybe 5 films that withstand the test of time and if you cant do 5 because you watch to many films like me then do a top 10. 

If you want to let me know your top films, leave a comment or send me a tweet on twitter, which there is a link to in the left hand side bar.

Also here is a link to film 4's films 4 life season starts April 9th you should check it out 


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