Monday, 11 April 2011

Teh Internetz is taking over

A very internet based blog today because i noticed an article about" lol" being added to the Oxford dictionary and also just some things I've been thinking about today with how the network plays a big part of peoples lives.

LOL speak is taking over the worldz

So another modern day slang word has been added to the Oxford dictionary. The abbreviation of Lol ( short for laugh out loud for you internet noobs)  first spawned from internet communications way back in the 90's. It has also triggered so many internet abbreviations over the years such as Lmao, Rofl and BRB. 
I don't really see this is a bad thing, even though people would argue that it is deteriorating peoples language It is really just a casual way of communicating online or over text message and is rarely seen getting put into spoken conversations, well i guess except for young kids, where slang is in there every day vocabulary and is not really seen developing into early adult hood (well expect maybe chavs i guess).

There is also one good thing about internet abbreviation, they can often be used to save an awkward moment or save you from embarrassment,  like you if you tell someone you like them you can always add "LOL" or J/K after that 5 Min of awkward silence on your computer screen.

Are we married to the internet?

So another thing the internet is big on is taking over social aspects of peoples lives. I saw a tweet today on twitter which read 

"Facebook asks what you're thinking. Twitter asks what you're doing. Foursquare asks where you are. You would think we were married to the internet" 

This made me think that are we really married to the internet?, we wake up and the first thing we do is check our facebook, twitter etc and its the last thing we do before we go to sleep at night.  As time goes on there is a social network site for pretty much everything, what music we are listening to,what we look like each day and even allow people to see videos of our daily lives, which is recently becoming a big part of social networking known as vlogging.

This makes me think that soon there will be not one aspect of a persons life that cant be posted to some social networking site and the internet has pretty much become one big stalking resource.

So what is next for social networking, there really is not much left that hasn't been done already, maybe in the future we will be able to record our thoughts directly from our brains onto the internet and then Facebook will know what you are really thinking....

Tomorrow is Tuesday... yes it is had to think there for a second, so i will be reviewing another film, I have not yet decided yet, so if you can want me to do a review of a newish film ( by new I mean from maybe 2009 - present date) I will try to get hold of it and do a review of it. Contact me on here or on twitter (spongeofthedead)

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